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[EXCLUSIVE]: Triple H & Shawn Michaels revealed why they choose MSK to lead the NXT Tag Team Division

Are you ready? I can’t hear you! I said… ARE! YOU! READY! There are certain things in life that we call a privilege. This is definitely one of those things that you don’t know how it happened, but you’re really grateful it did. Yesterday, Lucha Libre Online had the privilege of speaking with WWE’s Triple H and Shawn Michaels.

We can assure you they were on a really good mood. After the first night of NXT TakeOver: Stand & Deliver, Triple H and Shawn Michaels answered some questions about the excellent show from top to bottom they just presented to the world. Michael Morales Torres from Lucha Libre Online had the opportunity to be there and there were a few things making echo on his mind.

WWE signed MSK on December of 2020. MSK debuted successfully on January 2021. They did what seemed impossible and won the Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic on February 2021. After that, Wes Lee broke his hand and they were out of action. Yesterday on NXT TakeOver: Stand & Deliver, WWE had a huge decision to make. Danny Burch suffered a separated shoulder. Due to this situation, he and his teammate, Oney Lorcan, were forced to relinquish the NXT Tag Team Titles.

That gets us to the next question: Who’s next? Royalty check on your way for that Mr. Goldberg. But all joke aside, NXT had a huge decision to made and decide into which pathway they were going to the direct the whole tag team division. Surprisingly, MSK defeated El Legado del Fantasma and Grizzled Young Vets in an outstanding match to win the NXT Tag Team Championships for the first time in their career, and just 3 months after their debut.

This leads us to the next question: Why? We are pretty sure that went through everyone’s minds when the referee counted three. We loved the decision and are really excited to see how it works out for the NXT Tag Team Division. But the question was still on Michael’s mind: Why MSK?

That’s why he decided to ask Shawn Michaels and Triple H. Why were MSK the best alternative to lead the whole NXT Tag Team Division? What do they bring to the table? This is what both said:

Triple H: “Energy. Funny thing, I think if you put ‘GYV’ (Grizzled Young Veterans) and their style, Legado [Del Fantasma] and their style, and some of the other tag teams that we have, and their styles, and you took MSK from the equation, the decision feels different. MSK came in here and it was like this firecracker team that was just bright, speed, fast and exciting. I don’t know, they have a different energy. Their energy is palpable. They bring a different energy. So when you put them into the equation, they changed the dynamic. I think very few of the other teams, and that’s not an odd, it’s a compliment for them, but not an odd for the everybody else, but the other teams don’t necessarily have that. They definitely bring something to the table. The precision, grip and all those things. Raul & Joaquin with the aerial and everything that they do. They’re all phenomenal teams. MSK just bring something different and intangible and I think that was the deciding factor for us. It’s just they were all of a sudden this little light that came in and it just changed the division”.

Shawn Michaels: “I was going to say that it’s just that we don’t usually have a lot of missing pieces for our tag team division. We needed just one more little element to round it out. I feel like MSK did that and now again it has a complete tag team division that is a number of different, innovative, and different styles, and unique personalities that we didn’t had”.

Triple H: “Styles make fights”.

We want to thank WWE PR, Daniela, Triple H and Shawn Michaels for their time and for the opportunity. Don’t forget to tune in for an event that just like TakeOver Stand & Deliver, it’s too big for one night,  WrestleMania on Saturday, April 10th and Sunday, April 11th, both at 8:00pm (ET) on Peacock (United States & Puerto Rico) or on the WWE Network (worldwide). NXT will also be making their debut on Tuesdays on April 13th at 8:00pm (ET) on USA Network.

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