Los Angeles’ longest-running, most celebrated variety show, where authentic Mexican masked wrestling, burlesque, and comedy collide ─ to promote their annual summer show, dubbed this year as Lucha VaVOOM Summer Sabotage. Celebrating their 20th anniversary this August 22nd, Lucha VaVOOM (LVV) is returning for one night only on Friday, July 29th at their historic home venue, The Mayan Theatre (1038 S Hill St.), in downtown Los Angeles. English and Spanish-speaking talent are available for interviews. Press release below with a full list of confirmed wrestlers, burlesque dancers, aerialists, comedians, and more.
LVV has been wowing audiences across the globe with their glam/slam extravaganzas for two decades. In February, LVV hosted their first live event since 2019 due to the coronavirus, selling out their Valentine’s engagement, followed by two blowout nights in May to celebrate 11 years of Cinco de Mayo craziness. From Los Angeles to Tokyo, across the U.S. and Canada, and all the way to Australia, people go crazy for this perfect combination of world-class, professional lucha libre-style wrestling interspersed with insane, high-octane burlesque performances, death-defying aerial acts, comedy, music, lowriders, tequila, tamales, and more ─ all adding up to one unforgettable night.
Summer Sabotage’s confirmed wrestling lineup includes fan favorite Magno “The Man Mountain” Rudo, along with mini superstar wrestler and one of Mexico’s most beloved fightersMicroman (as seen on ESPN, CBS News, The Telegraph and Daily Mail), Taya Valkyrie (four-time Reina de Reinas champion and former WWE superstar), Dama Fina (former LVV champion), and many more.
Burlesque dancers and aerialists confirmed includes Raquel Reed (burlesque dancer from Absinthe in Las Vegas), Audrey Deluxe (burlesque artist, game-player, fantasy maker, and shimmy shaker), and more. Plus, comedian host Blaine Capatch will be delivering insanely off-the-cuff commentary both nights.
Tickets for this 21+ event are on sale now for $45.00‒$90.00 at TicketWeb.com.